Monday, September 10, 2012

T-179 : Seat Savers

Have you ever saved seats for someone?  We all probably have.  I admit that I look at others saving seats and think it a silly and sometimes unfair practice.  Seat savers are in the same vein with line cutters and traffic speeders.  On a tangential note, why are radar detectors even legal?  And why do speedometers go up to 120 when the highest posted speed I've ever seen was 80 in Texas; aside from the "reasonable and prudent" that existed in Montana for a short time a few years back?  Why do I feel this way?  Am I justified to some extent or just wrong?  I want to understand; I just don't, yet.

1 comment:

Tara McLean Derricott said...

I agree that radar detectors and super fast cars shouldn't even be used. On another note... I've saved seats for you quite a few times, as you have for me, so I think that there are often circumstances when it is ok. :)