Thursday, August 30, 2012

T-198 : Dubitable Derricott?

Last year when I was in Portland for a week of training I spent some time one night at Powells, the famous and humongous bookstore.  As I wandered the aisles I came across the Religion section.  Of course I was drawn toward the Mormon shelf, cracked open a copy of The Book of Mormon, and was very surprised to see it inscribed with the name "Elder Derricott" with a phone number.  I should clarify that Powells also carries used books, of which this was one.  I gather that this Elder Derricott had given the book to an investigator, likely when he was on a mission.  At any rate, it was certainly surprising.  Have you ever stumbled upon evidence of someone that you must certainly be related to that you'd never met or even heard of?

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