Currently on a quest to create 365 blogs entries in a single year. While I've already failed in the time period specified I'm still going to complete my goal, eve if it's late. Son of Delmar and Sharon Derricott of Preston, Idaho. Spouse of Tara McLean Derricott of Murray, Utah. Father of Jacob Anthony of Logan, Utah; Erik Bryson of Brigham City, Utah; and Emily of Hamilton, Montana.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
T-92 : Hallowe'en Grinch
I enjoy the dressing up part of Halloween. I like seeing what ideas others come up with; though it's usually with thoughts of, "...why didn't I think of that..." going through my head. What I don't like about the holiday is the candy and the greed it spawns. I guess that's another sign that I'm getting older. I was thinking just this morning as I saw the Coca-Cola truck making its delivery to Jimmy John's that soda pop and video arcade games are just precursors to alcohol and gambling. Am I off base? I've got to now go get some kids from walking on my lawn!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
T-94 : Relatively Defensive
I have kind of a history of being an offensive driver. I've been getting better with age, I hope. I make myself feel better when I compare myself to campus drivers. It was especially rough in last week's 6-inch overnight snow. Of course everyone besides me is either driving too fast or too slow, right?
T-93 : Foreign Prayers
Today at devotional the opening prayer was given by a person for whom English was obviously a second language. My natural reaction to experiences like that is to be frustrated with why people like that can't speak louder, slower, and more clearly. Today I realized that trying to understand what someone like that is saying makes me listen harder. In the long run I think that's good for me. So much of what I hear doesn't sink in because of the "firehose effect". Paying extra attention when someone is a little difficult to understand helps me focus more. I appreciate that.
T-95 : Scary Singing
Today I have found seemingly-contrasting, yet wise, thoughts:
“It is essential to our well-being and to our lives
that we play and enjoy life.
Every day do something
that makes your heart sing.”
Every day do something
that makes your heart sing.”
~ Author Unknown
Do one thing every day that scares you.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
So, I guess if we can do both at the same time we're doing really good. Some days I guess we may have to do a singy thing and a scary thing separately.
T-96 : 6-Cylinder Words
My old friend, Rich Bick, from Frenchtown, Montana used to remark that he "...didn't know none of them six-cylinder words..." whenever anyone broke out with any long ones. This is wisdom. We should be careful with those big words. Another friend of mine, Inigo Montoya, used to say, ""You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." — Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride, after one "Inconceivable!" too many"
T-97 : Word Passing
If your password is on this list it might be time to get a new one. Here's this year's list of worst passwords, complete with ranking changes from last year:
- password (Unchanged)
- 123456 (Unchanged)
- 12345678 (Unchanged)
- abc123 (Up 1)
- qwerty (Down 1)
- monkey (Unchanged)
- letmein (Up 1)
- dragon (Up 2)
- 111111 (Up 3)
- baseball (Up 1)
- iloveyou (Up 2)
- trustno1 (Down 3)
- 1234567 (Down 6)
- sunshine (Up 1)
- master (Down 1)
- 123123 (Up 4)
- welcome (New)
- shadow (Up 1)
- ashley (Down 3)
- football (Up 5)
- jesus (New)
- michael (Up 2)
- ninja (New)
- mustang (New)
- password1 (New)
The 25 worst passwords of 2012 - The Week
Thursday, October 25, 2012
T-98 : Creamy Tryptophan
If you're not planning on having Thanksgiving Dinner with us in Montana this year you might want to reconsider:
Missoula Baskin Robbins, prepare for my order.Turkey CakeWow them with this centerpiece of your dessert table. Choose your favorite ice cream flavor, glazed with sweet toppings. Be sure to enjoy the sugar cone turkey legs! Use Product code H-59 to place order.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
T-99 : Incessant Melodies
In my quest of counting down from 365 blog posts -- though it's taking me more than a year to complete -- I've finally reached 99. It doesn't seem like I can pass up this opportunity to pay homage to one of my favorite childhood songs. Here's the scoop from Wikipedia:
I don't know if I ever recall singing much more than about 10 verses. How about you? Would you rather sing the 12 Days of Christmas or The Song That Never Ends? Or do you have a "favorite" that I'm forgetting?"99 Bottles of Beer" is an anonymous United States folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize, and can take a long time to sing. In particular the song is frequently sung by children on long bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout and/or Girl Guide outings. The song is derived from the English "Ten Green Bottles".Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.Alternate line:If one of those bottles should happen to fall, Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.The same verse is repeated, each time with one bottle less. The song is completed when the singer or singers reach zero. Variations on the last verse following the last bottle going down include lines such as "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall." and simply "If that one bottle should happen to fall, what a waste of alcohol!". It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to sing all 100 verses.
T-100 : Relative Misery
This post is not about my in-laws. It's about pain points and perspective. My department at work is going through a reorganization. I've been uptight about it for months. As it's finally coming to completion and I'm near to finding out my new job description we ended up talking about it at dinner last night. I realized that most of my immediate family has no idea what I really do at work all day, anyway. They basically just know that I'm a computer guy. In the end, that's all the really matters. What role I play in IT is of second importance to the fact that I actually get to be an IT guy; a job that I really enjoy. Thanks for the perspective, kids. I thought I was hanging on the wall but I realize that I'm glad just to still be alive and kicking.
T-101 : Poultry Pilfering
I'm listening to Huckleberry Finn in my car these days. Today this phrase caught my ear:
Pap always said, take a chicken when you get a chance, because if you don't want him yourself you can easy find somebody that does, and a good deed ain't ever forgot.I think there's wisdom there. Of course it's not always going to be a chicken. But, if you're offered something, accept it graciously. You can always pay it forward. Does this come too close to re-gifting, though?
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
T-102 : Pulpy Bones
I'm lobbying to make this a Family Home Evening activity next Monday night. Someone always seems to get done with their jack-o-lantern more quickly than everyone else. This can be the second activity that keeps us together a little bit longer. Who's with me?
Papercraft Skeleton, A Halloween Papecraft Project For Kids
Papercraft Skeleton, A Halloween Papecraft Project For Kids
T-103: Social Diet
While I don't always think it's appropriate, the online comic "Doghouse Diaries" continues to produce gems from time to time. Today is one of those. We'd do well to treat "in-person interaction" a little more like the fruits and vegetables in our lives and realize that electronic/digital interaction is a lot more like the sweets that we need less of to be a balance person.
T-104 : Cassandra Pollyana
The other day I was listening to the "Stuff to Blow Your Mind" podcast when they mentioned the terms, "awfulize" and "be a Cassandra". I don't recall ever hearing either term before so I tweeted about them ( ) hoping to remind myself to look them up later and/or to have someone help me understand. I'd forgotten about that until tonight when I was reading Wired magazine and came across an article entitled "The Rules of Panic" by Clive Thompson. In his closing comments he says, " the Cassandras of the past, I'm wrong to panic...". So, I think I'm beginning to understand. A Cassandra is someone who awfulizes or panics. This seems a contrast to a Pollyanna, one who seemingly sees the positive in everything. Maybe a healthy dose of each and some balance are the key. Am I on the right track?
Monday, October 22, 2012
T-105 : Ketchup Icing
We had meatloaf for Sunday dinner yesterday. We got talking about what it's made of. I mentioned that I wish there was not enough sauce. Lo and behold today one of my favorite blogs, Indexed, had this Venn Diagram describing meatloaf with the comment that the ketchup was the icing. Just like icing is my favorite part of the cake, ketchup must be my favorite part of the loaf. How 'bout you?
T-106 : Baseball Names
The NLCS just finished. The San Francisco Giants beat the St. Louis Cardinals and will now face the Detroit Tigers in the World Series beginning later this week. The Giants have two of the best baseball names I can think of, Marco Scutaro and Buster Posey. I can't help thinking of them as verbs. Do you know any cool names? Here's some I gathered from the InterWebs:
Adam Baum
Adam Zapel
Al Bino
Al Dente
Al Fresco
Al K. Seltzer
Alf A. Romeo
Ali Gaither, Ali Katt
Amanda Lynn (a mandolin)
Amber Green
Andy Friese (as in antifreeze, a real race car driver)
Anita Bath, Anita Bohn, Anita Friske, Anita Hanke (real person), Anita Goodman, Anita Job, Anita Knapp, Anita Mann, Anita Plummer, Anita Shower
Anna Conda
Anna Fender (an offender)
Anna Graham
Anna Prentice (an apprentice)
Anna Recksiek (anorexic)
Anna Sasin
Anne Teak
Annette Curtain
Annie Howe, Annie Matter
April May
April Schauer (allegedly a real person)
Aretha Holly
Armand Hammer
Art Major, Art Painter, Art Sellers
B.A. Ware
Barb Dwyer
Barb E. Dahl
Barbara Seville
Barry Cade
Bea Minor and Dee Major
Beau Archer, Beau Tye
Ben Dover, Ben Down, Eileen Dover, Skip Dover
Ben Marcata (a musical term)
Bess Eaton (donut shop chain)
Biff Wellington
Bill Board
Bill Ding
Bill Foldes
Bill Loney
Billy Rubin
Bob Apple
Bob Katz, Tom Katz, Kitty Katz
Bonnie Ann Clyde
Brad Hammer (carpenter joke)
Brandon Cattell, Brandon Irons
Brandy D. Cantor
Brighton Early
Brock Lee
Brooke Trout
Bud Light
Bud Wieser (real college math teacher)
C. Good (alledgedly a real eye doctor)
C. Senor
C. Worthy
C. Write (another alleged optician)
Cam Payne
Candace Spencer (can dispenser)
Candy Barr, Candy Baskett, Candy Kane, Candy Sweet
Cara Sterio (alleged real person)
Cara Van
Carrie Dababi ("carry the baby" - Dababi is an Egyptian name)
Carrie Oakey
Casey Macy
Charity Case
Cheri Pitts, Harry Pitts
Chip Munk
Chip Stone (sculptor)
Chris Coe
Chris Cross
Chris P. Bacon
Chuck Waggon
Claire Annette Reed
Constance Noring
Corey Ander
Corey O. Graff
Count Dunn, Count Orff
Coyne Flatt (real person)
Crystal Ball
Crystal Claire Waters
Crystal Glass, Crystal Snow
D. Kay, DDS
D. Liver
Dan D. Lyons, Dan Deline
Dan Druff
Dan Saul Knight
Darren Deeds
Daryl Rhea
Dilbert Pickles
Dinah Soares
Don Key
Donald Duck
Donny Brook
Doris Schutt (Doris Open...)
Doug Graves
Doug Hole
Doug Witherspoon
Douglas Furr
Dr. Croak
Dr. Bender (Chiropracter)
Dr. Butcher
Dr. DeKay, DDS
Dr. & Dr. Doctor (real married doctors from Norwalk, CT)
Dr. E. Ville
Dr. Gass (allegedly a real anesthesiologist)
Dr. Gutstein
Dr. Hurt (real pediatrician in Saginaw, MI)
Dr. I. Ball (optometrist)
Dr. Kauff
Dr. Look (real opthalmologist in Hawaii)
Dr. Looney - a psychiatrist of course!
Dr. Payne (plastic surgeon in Sandusky, OH)
Dr. Pullham
Dr. Surgeon (another real doctor from Stamford, CT)
Drew Peacock
Duane Pipe
Dusty Carr, Dusty Rhodes
Dusty Sandmann (real person, submitted by his dad Roger Sandmann)
Edna May (or may not)
Earl E. Bird
Earl Lee Riser
Easton West (and of course Weston East)
Eaton Wright and Liv Good
Edward Z. Filler, DDS
Ella Vader
Eric Shinn
Ernie Coli (E. Coli) owns a Mexican restaurant
Estelle Hertz (it still hurts)
Evan Keel
Faith Christian
Fanny O'Rear
Father A. Long
Ferris Wheeler
Ford Parker
Forrest Green
Foster Child
Dr. Frank Bonebreak (real doctor)
Frank Enstein
Gail Force
Gail Storm (Wendy Storm, Dusty Storm and Rory Storm)
Gene Poole
Geoff L. Tavish (Gefilte fish)
Gil Fish
Ginger Rayl, Ginger Snapp, Ginger Vitus
Gladys C. Hughes (glad to see you)
H. Wayne Carver, MD (Connecticut medical examiner who carves up dead people.)
Hamilton Burger (Ham Burger, character on the old Perry Mason TV series)
Harden Thicke
Harry Armand Bach, Harry Beard, Harry Caray (famous sports announcer), Harry Chest, Harry Legg, Harry Lipp, Harry R. M. Pitts, Harry Rump (real plumber from Freemont, Maine)
Hazle Nutt
Heidi Clare
Helen Back
Helen Waite (credit manager - if you want credit go to Helen Waite)
Helen Wiells (hell on wheels)
Herb Farmer, Herb Rice
Holly McRell
Holly Day, Holly Wood
Howie Doohan
Hugh Jorgan
Hugh Morris (a "humorous" name, thanks to Shaun Oriold)
Hy Ball
Hy Lowe, Bea Lowe
Hy Marx (scholar), Hy Price
I.D. Clair
I. Lasch
I.M. Boring
I.P. Freely, I.P. Daly
Ileane Wright, Ilene South (West, East...)
Ima Hogg (a real person, daughter of a Texas governor)
Iona Ford
Iona Frisbee (alledgedly a real person)
Iona Stonehouse (also alledgedly a real person)
Ivan Oder
Ivy Leage
Jack Goff (my uncle - no kidding!)
Jack Hammer
Jack Pott
Jack Tupp (the perfect name for a car mechanic)
Jacklyn Hyde
Jasmine Rice (I found this one in my cupboard)
Jay Walker
Jean Poole
Jed Dye (Jedi)
Jerry Atrick
Jim Laucher (gym locker)
Jim Shorts, Jim Shu, Jim Sox
Jo King
Joe Kerr (joker)
Jordan Rivers
Joy Kil
Joy Rider
June Bugg
Justin Case, Justin Casey Howells, Justin Hale, Justin Inch, Justin Miles North (just ten miles north), Justin Time,
Kandi Apple
Kay Bull
Keelan Early (dying young) - real person who submitted his own name
Kelly Green
Ken Dahl
Kenny Penny
Kent C. Strait (an optometrist, of course!)
Kenya Dewit
Kerry Oki
King Queene
Lake Speed (a real person, NASCAR race car driver)
Lance Boyle, Lance Butts
Laura Lynne Hardy, Laurel Ann Hardy
Laura Norder (law and order)
Leigh King (leaking)
Les Moore
Les Payne - should be an anesthesiologist
Les Plack, a real dentist - proof HERE
Levon Coates
Lewis N. Clark (real person, he told me he drives an Explorer)
Lily Pond
Lisa Carr, Kitty Carr, Otto Carr, Parker Carr
Lisa Ford, Lisa Honda, Iona Corolla, etc.
Lisa May Boyle, Lisa May Dye
Lois Price (bargain shopper) and her husband Hy Price
Lou Pole
Lou Zar (loser)
Lucy Fer
Luke Warm
Lynn C. Doyle
Lynn O. Liam
M. Balmer
Macon Paine (real name - Google it)
Mark Skid (Skid, Mark)
Manny Kinn
Marlon Fisher
Marsha Dimes (march of dimes)
Marsha Mellow
Marshall Law
Marty Graw
Mary Annette Woodin
Mary A. Richman
Mary Christmas
Matt Tress
Maude L.T. Ford
Max Little
Max Power
May Day
May Furst
Mel Loewe
Melba Crisp (real person who emailed me)
Melody Music
Mia Hamm (a real person)
Mike Easter
Mike Raffone
Mike Reinhart (My Cryin' Heart - sounds like it could be a country song)
Mike Stand (a real person)
Milly Graham
Minny van Gogh
Missy Sippy (and her mom, Mrs. Sippy)
Misty Waters (a real person)
Misty C. Shore (a real person), Rocky Shore, Sandy C. Shore (another real person)
Molly Kuehl
Monica Monica (real person)
Morey Bund
Muddy Waters (famous blues singer, real name McKinley Morganfield)
Myles Long
Nancy Ann Cianci
Neil Down, Neil Crouch
Neil McNeil (submitted by his cousin)
Nick O. Time
Noah Riddle, Noah Lott
Norma Leigh Lucid
Olive Branch
Olive Green
Olive Yew (I love you)
Oliver Sutton (all of a sudden)
Ophelia Payne
Oren Jellow
Orson Carte
Oscar Ruitt
Otto Graf
Owen Moore, Owen Bigg (should be tax collectors)
P. Brain
Paige Turner
Park A. Studebaker
Pat Downe (a real person)
Patience Wait (a real person)
Pearl Button
Pearl E. Gates, Pearl E. White
Peg Legge
Penny Dollar, Bill Dollar (real people)
Penny Lane, Penny Nichols, Penny Profit, Penny Wise
Pepe Roni
Pete Moss and his son Forest
Phil Graves (cemetery employee, works with his brother Doug Graves)
Phil Rupp
Phil Wright, DDS (real dentist in Anchorage, AK, proof HERE)
Phillip D. Bagg (partner of Robin Banks below)
Pierce Deere
Pierce Hart
Polly Ester
Post, Mark
Price Wright (another real person)
Priti Manek ("pretty manic", real doctor in Houston, TX)
R. M. Pitt
R. Sitch
R. Slicker
Raney Schauer
Ray Gunn
Ray Zenz (raisins)
Raynor Schein
Reid Enright
Rex Easley (reportedly a real traffic safety teacher at Kamiakin High, Kennewick, WA)
Rhea Curran
Rhoda Booke, Rita Booke
Rich Feller, Rich Guy
Richard P. Cox (real person)
Rick O'Shea
Rick Shaw
Rip Torn
Rita Buch
Robin Andis Merryman
Robin Banks, Rob Banks, Robin Feathers, Robin Money, U. O. Money
Robert and Reginald Soles (allegedly real brothers: R. Soles)
Rock Pounder, Rock Bottoms
Rocky Beach, Sandy Beach
Rocky Mountain, Cliff Mountain
Rocky Rhoades
Rod N. Reel
Roman Holiday
Rose Bush, Rose Gardner
Rowan Boatman
Royal Payne
Russell Leeves
Russell Sprout
Rusty Blades, Rusty Bridges, Rusty Carr, Rusty Dorr, Rusty Fossat, Rusty Fender
Rusty Irons, Rusty Keyes, Rusty Nail, Rusty Pipes, Rusty Steele
Ryan Carnation
Sal A. Mander
Sal Minella, Sam Manilla, Sam & Ella's restaurant
Sally Forth
Sarah Bellum
Sawyer B. Hind
Sandy Banks, Sandy Beech, Sandy Brown, Sandy Spring
Seth Poole (poor guy has a lisp)
Shanda Lear (daughter of Bill Lear, inventor of the Lear jet)
Sharon Fillerup
Sharon Needles, Sharon A. Burger
Skip Roper, Skip Stone
Sonny Day
Sno White (real person)
Stan Still - should own a 'stationery' store :->)
Stanley Cupp
Dr. Steven Sumey (Dr. sue me, real person in Fairmont, MN)
Sue Flay
Sue Ridge (sewerage)
Sue Yu, Sue Jeu
Summer Camp (allegedly a real person), Summer Day, Summer Greene, Summer Holiday
Sy Burnette
Tad Moore
Tad Pohl
Tanya Hyde
Ted E. Baer
Terry Achey (real name)
Terry Bull (allegedly real name, and his brother Eddie Bull)
Tess Steckle
Therese R. Green, Teresa Green
Thomas Richard Harry
Tim Burr
Tish Hughes
Tom A. Toe
Tom Katt
Tom Morrow
Tommy Gunn
Tommy Hawk
Trina Woods, Trina Forest (tree in the woods, tree in a forest)
Ty Coon, Ty Knotts
Viola Solo
Virginia Beach
Walter Melon
Wanda Rinn
Wanna Hickey
Warren Peace
Warren T.
Will Power
Will Race (real person who told me he races cars and on foot)
Will Wynn (Mayor of Austin, Texas)
Willie Leak (or won't he)
Willie Waite
Winsom Cash, Owen Cash
Woody Forrest
X. Benedict
T-107 : Ten Puns
Tonight Emily was telling us how hard it was to read the board today because she was sitting in the back of the class. I asked if she'd talked to her teacher about it. She countered that it was just today and that it wouldn't be a big deal. I told her to "keep an eye on it". She laughed and asked me if the pun was intended. I do have a quick wit at times, though it also can get me in trouble when I don't think before I speak. Anyway, it reminded me of one of my favorite laughers:
There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.Ha!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
T-108 : Satisfaction Gettin'
"Man never knows what he wants; he aspires to penetrate mysteries and as soon as he has, he wants to reestablish them. Ignorance irritates him and knowledge cloys." - Henri Frederic AmielOr, in other words immortalized by the Rolling Stones...
I can't get no satisfactionI can't get no satisfaction'Cause I try and I try and I try and I tryI can't get no, I can't get noWhen I'm drivin' in my carAnd that man comes on the radioHe's tellin' me more and moreAbout some useless informationSupposed to fire my imaginationI can't get no, oh no no noHey hey hey, that's what I sayI can't get no satisfactionI can't get no satisfaction'Cause I try and I try and I try and I tryI can't get no, I can't get noWhen I'm watchin' my TVAnd that man comes on to tell meHow white my shirts can beBut he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smokeThe same cigarrettes as meI can't get no, oh no no noHey hey hey, that's what I sayI can't get no satisfactionI can't get no girl reaction'Cause I try and I try and I try and I tryI can't get no, I can't get noWhen I'm ridin' round the worldAnd I'm doin' this and I'm signing thatAnd I'm tryin' to make some girlWho tells me baby better come back later next week'Cause you see I'm on losing streakI can't get no, oh no no noHey hey hey, that's what I sayI can't get no, I can't get noI can't get no satisfactionNo satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction
T-109 : Turn Offs
T-110 : Kid Shows
Today I got a text from my brother, Bryan, simply saying, "Cannonball and Harvey". I immediately thought of Hotel Balderdash, a kid's show from channel 4 in Salt Lake we used to watch back in the 70s. Then tonight at family time we watched some old videos from YouTube of the Mickey Mouse Club, another show we used to watch after school. Other shows we watched were The Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, Gilligan's Island, and Captain Kangaroo. What other shows do you remember?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
T-111 : Dollar Zingers
I love thoughts. Today I attended a forum in which Jonathan W. Bullen, President of Colmena Capital spoke. Here's my favorite zinger out of all those he shared:
Speaking of zingers, do you remember when those tasty snack cakes first came out? I think I was in about 3rd grade so it would have been 1975ish. They were like the cheap version of Twinkies. If you want to read the rest of them you'll have to click
So, again, it comes down to B-A-L-A-N-C-E. Where are you on the save/spend spectrum?We are not to judge thrift solely by the test of saving or spending. If one spends what he should prudently save, that certainly is to be deplored. But if one saves what he should prudently spend, that is not necessarily to be commended. A wise balance between the two is the desired end.Owen Young
Speaking of zingers, do you remember when those tasty snack cakes first came out? I think I was in about 3rd grade so it would have been 1975ish. They were like the cheap version of Twinkies. If you want to read the rest of them you'll have to click
T-112 : Bing Google
In post T-182 ( I talked about pinging someone. I've now been been introduced to the concept of binging something. I've been watching Microsoft Office 365 presentations at work all week. Over and over the presenters will use the term "bing" much as most of us use "google", as a verb; meaning "search". Apparently if you work for Microsoft you drink the bing Kool-Aid. Now you know.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
T-113 : Gross Misconduct
This morning on the radio I heard someone mention the phrase "gross misconduct". I wonder how that's different than good old-fashioned "misconduct". Am I perhaps thinking of the wrong definition of gross? Does it mean "exceeding" the "net"? Or does it mean that you can hardly look at it because it's so "gross"? defines it as:
Indiscipline so serious (such as stealing, or work place violence) that it justifies the instant dismissal of an employee, even on the first occurrence.Sounds like legalese to me!
Read more:
T-114 : Mindly Imaginations
I was listening to a podcast the other day in which they actually said "Imagine in your mind...". I couldn't help thinking that the phrase seems redundant. Is there really a difference between "imagining" and "imagining in your mind"? Where else could you imagine something BUT in your mind? I imagine (in my mind) that I'll hear some good comments on this one.
T-115 : Trash Closer
In post T-164 a few weeks ago ( I talked about how I like to pick up trash as part of my civic duty. I picked one up the other day, tossed it toward the can, and missed. For some reason that I can't remember I was in a hurry and didn't follow my shot to put in the rebound. As I walked away I wondered to myself, "Is it good or bad if I pick up litter, throw at the can, miss, and not retrieve the rebound?". Whaddya think?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
T-116 : Blogging Introspection
One thing that getting into the habit of nightly blogging has done for me is caused me to engage in a lot more introspection. Often times during the day I find myself observing and thinking of things then emailing myself a note to talk about that in more detail at a later time. At this week's devotional Elder Paul E. Koelliker, First Quorum of the Seventy gave us a pattern that might help as we listen for messages the Lord wants us to hear. He said to take out a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. List the important facts on one side. List the spiritual promptings that come to mind while listening. Later go back to the notes and find a scriptural reference for the thought you wrote. As you do you'll have your understanding expanded. I like to think I've already been doing a bit of that with my pattern. I hope that I don't end up banging my head against the wall when I've finally counted down 115 more entries.
T-117 : Auto Paper
Automatic Paper Dispensers were recently installed in the restrooms in the Kimball Building where I work. Seems like one wave isn't enough for anyone. Most will wave and wait for a second or even a third sheet to flow. I think it's a waste of time and paper. The guy who gave this TED Talk ( would probably agree with me. Whose side are you on?
T-118 : Ahold Not?
I tried to type the word "ahold" the other day but got the evil red squiggly underline telling me I couldn't do it that way. So, I went in search of a second opinion. Grammar Girl to the rescue!
So, if you want to get ahold of me to talk more about it just leave a comment.
"Ahold" Versus "A Hold"The one-worder “ahold” often goes with the verb “get” and the preposition “of,” as in “Get ahold of yourself!” You could also say, “I grabbed ahold of his arm” to mean “I grasped his arm.” (1) calls the word “ahold” informal, but it’s been around since 1600 or 1610. As for the two words “a hold,” you could say, “He’s got a hold on me” or “I put a hold on that library book.” (
Monday, October 15, 2012
T-119 : Eye Pray
Lately my eyes have been slow to close at the beginning of group prayers; that or they've popped open during. I find myself thinking of my mom. I don't know why but I recall her often having her eyes open during group prayers looking around at everyone in the group. I guess I wouldn't have been able to notice it if my eyes weren't open, too. Closing the eyes does seem like the ultimate act of reverence and focus. Some opening to view loved ones in a reverent state doesn't seem like such a horrible thing, though; especially if it's only occasionally. What say you? Do you ever find your eyelids light when prayer time rolls around?
T-120 : Pepper Lives
We have a cat that got a nip in the bum last year in one of his overnight gallivants. Ever since then his hips have been degenerating. He's at the point now where he can hardly walk. Some might say we should have put him out of his misery long ago. We keep talking about it but we just can't seem to get around to it. In fact the kids have already dug his grave out back. I guess we're all avoiding it or something. Seems the best way to take care of it is to have a neighbor or friend come and shoot him. I guess it's just a lot easier to keep procrastinating the day. Got any good tips?
T-121 : Tara Headaches
Tara is not a headache. The fact that she has frequent soreness above the neck does not cause her to be a pain in mine. However, I do wish we could figure out what's causing them. Today we talked about tomorrow's impending 50+ mph winds. She mentioned maybe that's why she got a whopper yesterday. If so I hope we can use her as a forecaster and throw some Ibuprofen down the hatch as soon as the barometer starts to drop. Could it be that easy?
Sunday, October 14, 2012
T-122 : Girly Kisses
Each night before Emily settles down she has to come in and have a brief snuggle and a goodnight kiss from her mom. I like that and hope it continues. Years ago her mom stopped tucking her in because she wouldn't stay in. It would be tuck, go to own room, wait for Emily to come in for another snuggle/kiss. So, over time, Tara just resorted to going to bed and waiting/expecting for the daughterly affection. I like that they're connecting and hope it stays that way.
T-123 : Up Down
Each night around 9:00 p.m. we gather around the upstairs family room computer for what's become known as "night stuff". We usually watch short video clips or look at pictures gleaned from the likes of Mental Floss, Laughing Squid, and others. Some time ago we were turned on to the PBS series "Sherlock". In the process of watching a few episodes I also signed up for the PBS Masterpiece electronic newsletter. While we're waiting for a new season of Sherlock to start the newsletter came the other night and a show called "Upstairs Downstairs" caught my eye. We watched the first 3 episodes (all of season 1) in 2 nights on the upstairs computer then watched an episode from season 2 on the downstairs TV tonight. So we watched "Upstairs Downstairs" upstairs and downstairs this weekend. It's quite a bit like "Downton Abbey". We watched a few episodes of that before 2 guys started kissing; which turned us off. Anyway, for the most part I guess we kind of like them British folk; at least the ones who produce television shows for us.
T-124 : RV Not...
Yesterday while waiting in the mall for the family to shop I perused some magazines at Barnes & Noble. I learned from an iPad magazine that I can get an app to put the weather on my lock screen. I learned from The Saturday Evening Post that there are things in Ireland called follies. And I learned from a magazine called Trailer Life that I don't think I want a trailer/RV/MH (I also learned that MH stands for Motor Home and that there's a RV/MH museum in Iowa) after all. I think I'd much prefer a GoldWing and a hotel rewards card. Of course that'll have to wait until the kids are gone. Until then we'll plod around in the Corolla. What's your advice?
Saturday, October 13, 2012
T-125 : Country Slicker
Growing up I always used to think the city was glamorous. Dad would often come home after school on a Friday afternoon and we'd make a quick trip to Salt Lake. The running joke was that we'd call Grandma Bodily back in Preston to tell her that we had "car trouble" and that we were going to stay overnight. I loved those trips. I definitely looked forward to seeing the bright lights of the big city and wanted to get rich and live there someday to prove that I was successful.
Today we took off after lunch and went to our "big city" of Idaho Falls. We shopped around a bit but were back home by dinner time. I still like traveling and going to cities I've never been to and being a tourist. I don't so much like being a consumer, though. We went to a few stores but there was nothing that I really felt like I wanted or needed. I'm pretty happy with what I've got. I guess these days I'm from the country and I like it that way.
Today we took off after lunch and went to our "big city" of Idaho Falls. We shopped around a bit but were back home by dinner time. I still like traveling and going to cities I've never been to and being a tourist. I don't so much like being a consumer, though. We went to a few stores but there was nothing that I really felt like I wanted or needed. I'm pretty happy with what I've got. I guess these days I'm from the country and I like it that way.
T-126 : Lyrical Loser
I think I've mentioned before that I really like music. As much as I can recognize many tunes I'm not that great at lyrics. Today I found a Cat Stevens album at the thrift store. I came home and placed it in my collection then promptly fired up some Cat tunes in Spotify. Moonshadow came on. In this case I can sing the lyrics -- at least the chorus -- but I realized I don't understand what I'm singing. If I'm being followed by a moonshadow is that a good thing or a bad thing? I looked up the wikipedia article to see that it references Cat's having grown up in the city amongst bright lights then having gone to the country where a bright moon cast his shadow and he was amazed. I guess that's a good thing, then. Getting out of the city and into the country get's us closer to our roots and to what really matters, right? I think I like being followed by a moonshadow.
T-127 : Fan Recognition
Today I nearly bumped into a guy in the grocery store that was wearing a USU shirt. I also had my USU jersey on. I didn't realize it was really happening at the moment but just as he passed I replayed in my mind what had just occurred. He tried to catch my attention. I could see in his eyes that he saw and recognized that we were both wearing USU gear and thus had something to speak about. I looked at him and - a bit more slowly - recognized that he wanted to say something. My eyes said back to him that I did not want to talk. We passed harmlessly by each other and no harm (nor good) was done. I guess this highlights the fact that I, by nature, am somewhat reclusive and introverted. I'd like to be a bit more balanced; though I doubt I'll ever be ultra-gregarious.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
T-128 : Counting Up
I find it noteworthy that today is 10/11/12. I'm not sure why. Googling a bit finds some people calling days like today "numerically significant" or "magical". On a somewhat related note I read today that you're more likely to die on your way to buy a lottery ticket than you are to actually win the lottery. That's a bit morbid perhaps but maybe it'll scare someone into saving a dollar. I like the thought. I've never actually bought a lottery ticket but I do call buying a candy bar with a "you could win" advertisement on it the "legal lottery". In fact I've even been known to choose a candy bar based solely on whether it gives me a chance to win. How about you? Do you feel lucky?
T-131 : Faithful Wife
Tara went to the temple today and I'm grateful. She's been trying to go once a week since the beginning of the year. I haven't checked or asked lately -- perhaps she'll comment -- to see if she's keeping up with her commitment. The fact that she made the commitment in the first place, though, and that she's striving is attractive to me. When she commits to something she struggles when she can't fulfill the commitment. That's a good example to me. Do you have a faithful partner?
T-132 : Grandma Marbles
Grandma Bodily's kitchen used to have an un-level linoleum floor. I don't know what caused it or whether it was a bad thing for the house in general but I do know that it made for great marble rolling time. We'd start a marble at a certain place in the floor and then just watch it roll. And it wouldn't simply roll from one side to the other. It was like it was being guided in squiggles around the floor by some underneath magnet or something. Perhaps we were easily entertained but that was good fun. We'd also roll marbles down the canyons of our Naugahyde beanbag chair at home. It was all fun and games until I...lost my marbles.
T-129 : A Polis
I heard something on the radio about Indianapolis and it got me thinking about Minneapolis and Annapolis and wondering why they're apolises (apoli?) in the first place. When I mentioned it around the dinner table Emily said that they'd just studied "polis" in Social Studies earlier that day! Apparently, according to the ol' Wikipedia:
"Polis plural poleis literally means city in Greek"Now my thoughts go beyond Indiana, Minnesota, and Maryland to Superman's adopted hometown of Metropolis and even the ancient Greek city of Acropolis. Do you know any more polises (poli?)?
T-130 : Poli Ticks
I watched the entire vice-presidential debate tonight. I don't like politics but I believe it's my civic duty to be informed so I'm trying to understand. What I don't really get is why the debate has to be so negative. Why can't they occasionally say to each other, "that's a good point"? Even if they were to do so I'd expect it would be an ulterior motive to further some agenda. Can anyone help me be less jaded?
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
T-133 : Joking In
I heard the phrase "In on the joke" the other day and it made me take stock of my situation. It's not that I hadn't heard the phrase before but I think I often feel clueless. Maybe I'm just too needy but it seems like others often know more than me and they're either hiding it from me or just assume that I already know. Sometimes I'm aware but mostly I'm naive about what's "really" going on. Don't hesitate to lead me along slowly.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
T-134 : Sports Geography
I remember as a kid many times in sacrament meeting making up a game where I'd sketch a map of the USA and then attempt to place pro sports teams on the map in the correct area. I don't remember if I ever went home and corrected myself but I likely did using my cool pencil box or collector cards or something. Anyway, I found an ESPN app for iOS this past weekend that allows you to play a similar game and keep score! If only I'd thought of that about 35 years ago...
T-135 : TnT Fears
Today I read:
"Teratophobia is the fear of giving birth to a monster."I think it's funny that the word is so close to TaraTonyPhobia; which would -- of course -- be the fear of my wife and I. Years ago when we were first starting our computer consulting business we briefly toyed with the idea of naming it TaranTony. That would have been especially good if we'd branched out into web design, huh? Get it? Tarantula... Anyway, here's hoping you don't give birth to a monster...nor fear doing so.
T-137 : American Migration
When we lived in Montana a common refrain was a that there were too many Californians moving there and spoiling things for the rest of us. I probably participated in that at times. However, I've come to realize that we all came from somewhere. Is anyone truly "native"? This is an interesting map that shows which counties people came from and are going to. How's your area; growing or shrinking?
T-136 : Opined Onions
Today when I pulled into the garage I smelt the definite smell of onions. I'm grateful that Tara enjoys preserving foods for a rainy day. Speaking of words that end in "nion", my opinion is that this quote from a feller I hadn't previously heard of is one that definitely doesn't stink:
We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still.
~ John Stuart Mill
On Liberty, 1859
On Liberty, 1859
There's one specific person at work that I have had the hardest time dealing with because his ideas are so drastically different than mine. Recently I was forced to spend some time with him and came out better because of it. I now respect the fact that we can come up with better ideas when we work together than either of us would have been able to alone. Differences have value. In fact, we'd be worse off without them; in my opinion.
How do you deal with others who have opinions different than yours?
Monday, October 8, 2012
T-138 : Truth Circumscribed
In the television show "The X Files" the tagline was, "The truth is out there". There was an anti-smoking campaign a few years ago where truth was called the anti-drug. I've always been drawn to truth. I believe that all truth can be circumscribed in one whole; that it's all part of one eternal round. This past weekend I listened to a number of sermons given from godly men and women in the semi-annual general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I heard many truths. It's hard for me to keep the whole picture in mind at all times but I do believe that each little aha moment has a profound effect on me as I grow and strive to become more like the Savior. The truth is out there; it's also in there, inasmuch as you internalize it and make it a part of you. True?
T-139 : Rocket, Man!
This past weekend we drove to the Salt Lake area to be present at baby Clara's blessing. It was a sweet time. We left Friday night intending to visit many folks. The folkiness part didn't work out but we did spend some time seeing our old stomping grounds at USU, the rocket display at ATK (formerly Thiokol), the Golden Spike Monument, the Spiral Jetty, Snowville, Nevada, Wendover, Tooele... It was a memorable time but here's a travel tip. If you consider going around the other side of the Great Salt Lake you might want to reconsider. It's a long way to Saratoga Springs from Snowville that way!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
T-140 : Dental Duh
Today we found out that both boys need their wisdom teeth out. Erik even has 6! A few weeks ago we found out that Emily needs braces. Just prior to that I found out that I have one cavity and need a 1/2-dozen crowns replaced. So, do we try to get the stuff done now or wait until the new year starts? Any financial/insurance specialists out there care to opine?
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