Sunday, October 21, 2012

T-109 : Turn Offs

Tara and I were recently talking about phrases that will usually turn people off.  Consequently, we try not to say them.  Here's a couple:

  • "On my mission..."
  • "In my old ward..."
What other phrases peeve you?


halothair said...

"The way I used to do it was..."

Unknown said...

Yep, same vein, Erik.

Scott M said...

The phrase, "you deserve" ......found pervasively in commercials. Also among liberals. People don't deserve anything but the consequences of their own choices and to be left alone by others. Life doesn't owe people anything. Other people don't owe us anything. Deserve is a word that makes me shudder.

"fair share" ....found in liberal doublespeak whenever and wherever liberals can be found. It means "you have something I don't and I think you better cough it up".

"razor sharp" applied to things that aren't remotely near as sharp as a razor, which is pretty much everything. e.g. razor sharp claws or talons or rocks or coral or teeth.

" you remind me of....." or "you look just like(so and so)" Nobody wants to be told that there are other people in the world that are a spitting image of us. We want to retain our uniqueness.

Unknown said...

Well done, Scott. Quantity and Quality!