Saturday, October 13, 2012

T-126 : Lyrical Loser

I think I've mentioned before that I really like music.  As much as I can recognize many tunes I'm not that great at lyrics.  Today I found a Cat Stevens album at the thrift store.  I came home and placed it in my collection then promptly fired up some Cat tunes in Spotify.  Moonshadow came on.  In this case I can sing the lyrics -- at least the chorus -- but I realized I don't understand what I'm singing.  If I'm being followed by a moonshadow is that a good thing or a bad thing?  I looked up the wikipedia article to see that it references Cat's having grown up in the city amongst bright lights then having gone to the country where a bright moon cast his shadow and he was amazed.  I guess that's a good thing, then.  Getting out of the city and into the country get's us closer to our roots and to what really matters, right?  I think I like being followed by a moonshadow.

1 comment:

halothair said...

I always just listen to the tune behind the lyrics!