Thursday, March 18, 2010

Supposebly Nucular

I heard someone today use the word "supposebly".  It grated on me, as do many others.  I have a whole list of what I call "mispronouncers".

  • counsole
  • expecially
  • farmiliar
  • foryer
  • jaguire
  • nucular
  • pronunciate
  • reoccurring
  • realator
  • supposebly
I know I should possibly just learn to live with it.  Perhaps I'm the one who can make a difference, though!  Join with me!  Add to the list!


Scott M said...

Great list. A common mispronunciation out west is "mow-un" = mountain

Although technically interchangable it grates my ears to hear people say "disorienTATed" = disoriented (Bear Grylls says this at least once per episode)

Finally the ebonic "aks" = ask can be grinding.

A bad habit that I am trying to exorcize right now is saying the incorrect "There's (There is) more eggs in the fridge" instead of the correct "There ARE more eggs in the fridge". I hate that one because I catch myself everytime but it is always too late. I can't catch myself BEFORE I say it. It is also hard to enunciate "there are" compared to "there's" so I have developed a lazy habit that is very hard to break.

Unknown said...

That reminds me of another one that Tara uses often, "needs fixed" rather than "needs TO BE fixed". I don't know if the former is proper as well as the latter but it does grate on me slightly.