Tuesday, August 16, 2011

T-253 : Quench Not

The other day at church someone share the scripture in 1 Thes. 5:19:

"Quench not the Spirit." 
That thought really struck me.  The point was twofold:

  1. We should allow the Spirit to work in our lives and not do things that would suppress it.
  2. We should memorize scriptures -- this being a short and, thus, easy one to memorize -- so that we can recall them at times when needed.
I not only mark my scriptures for ease of recall but I also keep track of what I call proverbial truths -- I think they can be found in many sources -- on my account at Evernote.  Click through if you'd like to see some that I enjoy.  How do you keep yourself reminded of the good truths out there?

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