Monday, November 26, 2012

T-73 : IKEA Smoosh

The other day we went to the SLC for the weekend in honor of Tara's birthday.  After spending some time at the temple and at City Creek we moseyed on down to IKEA.  We were driving the Corolla and hadn't really planned on getting anything but a bath mat and maybe some stocking stuffers for the kids.  We ended up getting more, including some long boxes (contents may be included in children's Christmas presents and thus will not be divulged until a later time).  Some of the other cars I saw there, including some pictures I found on the Internets tonight tell me that I'm not alone.  Many apparently try to fit large items into small vehicles.  Anyway, I'm thankful that Tara rode all the way home with one knee in the jockey box without even complaining.


Tara McLean Derricott said...

I only put up with it because some of that stuff is for me!

Beth said...

I have had that same problem. Luckily, my Mom and her minivan rescued me.