Sunday, January 2, 2011

T-363 : Six Pack?

real-six-pack-abs.jpg (600×433)

So, my fitness resolution for 2011 has something to do with my abs. I need your help, though. Everything I've googled so far leads me to the conclusion that "6-pack abs" are the only legitimate goal. I'm not so sure I can achieve that. Is there some other measurable way to determine whether my tummy's getting tighter? Also, I'm concerned about which exercise(s) will best contribute to ab fitness. I only really know of sit-ups and crunches. Both of them make me nervous that I'm going to hurt my back doing so. What are your ideas?


Scott M said...

My opinion is that everyone has nice abs under their flabs. The trick is getting the flab out of the way. My measuring stick is how taut the belly button is. A great body has a stretched belly button.

One exercise is leg lifts. Lie flat on your back and raise your legs so that the sole of your feet stick straight up. Keep the legs straight through the whole motion. For a real killer, have someone stand over your head and grab their ankles. When your legs get straight up have your partner grab them and throw them down. Resist this and return them to the straight up position as soon as possible.

Unknown said...

I like your opinion. How do you measure tautness, though? I think I'll try them there leg lifts today. Thanks!