Saturday, January 1, 2011

T-365 : Yearlong Effort

One of my new year resolutions is to put more of my thoughts down on "paper". While not quite a journal/diary -- due to the public nature -- I'm choosing to approach this goal by blogging. Initially I thought I'd commit to one blog entry per day. I've tried that in the past, though, and become discouraged when I missed a day. Right or wrong my answer to that is going to be to make 365 blog entries in 2011. Some might be more often than once per day; some less. In some ways blogging at the "moment of the thought" excites me more than waiting until the end of the day to try to recall all that might be noteworthy. In the end I hope to have a worthwhile volume of thoughts. There's a popular website called 365Project where people take a picture a day for a year documenting the little day-to-day things that make their lives unique. I hope to do a similar thing with words, though my own photographs or other representative pictures will almost always be included. So, what do you think? Have any of you tried similar ventures? I'm looking forward to the ride.
Tony Derricott

1 comment:

Scott M said...

looking forward to it