Monday, May 3, 2010

Thoughts Sought

“Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.” 

-- Francis Bacon -1561-1626, Philosopher, Statesman, Scientist and Author

I keep a little notepad with me throughout the day in my shirt pocket.  Primarily that's used for a To Do List.  When I have thoughts I want to elaborate on later I email them to myself to blog about at greater length on that or a subsequent evening.  I'd only add to Sir Bacon's quote that many sought thoughts can also be valuable; though those, too, may come at unexpected times.

By the way, what's up with that light bulb?  Is he sweating or having an epiphany?


Unknown said...

The Old Dad,
Just an observation...
but his bottom looks like a bad wedgie and that's the reaction to a bad wedgie.

Unknown said...

That's very profound, Old Dad.