Thursday, October 2, 2008

Healthy Tooting

I jotted some notes down in Sacrament Meeting last Sunday. Whether they're mad ramblings or wise inspiration I don't yet know. I'll attempt to reproduce them here and let y'all be the judge(s) with your comments.
Concept: Tooting Your Own Horn
Some people say, "I'm not one to toot my own horn...". Some genuinely believe this as they say it. I'm beginning to think this may be a bit on the unhealthy side of the moderation between pride and humility. Others use the phrase to preface their comments with vain humility as they then proceed to toot ad nauseum. (That's Greek for too much) Moderate tooting should include journal keeping and has much to do with one's self-esteem.

I feel like there have been times in my life when I've tooted too much. I fear that too often, though, I don't toot enough. What do you think? Am I a tooter or a stifler?

You know me well enough to comment. Scratch my back this one time and I promise to comment on your blog when you present a similar poser.


Tara McLean Derricott said...

I have heard you toot occasionally, but it's usually not your horn! :) Mostly I think you judge yourself too hard, and think that praise has to have a "double meaning". You are a wonderful person, and I love you!!

Unknown said...

Scary title. I was afraid to read this posting. I would say that people who "toot" their horn to much are usually the self centered, vain ones of the world. Do I think that people should have self confidence and tell people when they are good at something...absolutely. But there is a line and sometimes it is hard to see when you cross it. If you are talking about yourself!?? I would say that I have never heard you toot your own horn, and thankfully never in the terms Tara is referring to.

I struggle with this sometimes as well. My boss is always telling me to have some self confidence and I feel that I have some. (I also feel he talks WAY to much about himself). So I am not sure if I should take his advice!!!

Evalynn said...

Tony - I think you're right where you need to be when it comes to tooting! I like people who are not afraid to acknowledge that they are good at something. Arrogance (I'm the best or I can't acknowledge that other people may be good at something I think I'm good at) and vain humility (I'm going to pretend like I don't really know I'm good at this, even though I do know it - and I'll probably make sure you know that I know I'm good in some passive aggressive way) make me question the "awareness" of the person.

But here's my question to you . . . sacrament meeting was so good last week! Whatever prompted this observation?

Scott M said...

Hmm. To toot too little or to toot too much? That is the question.

Tony can outwhiz just about anyone in scrabble, trivia, and the like...

Whiz unreservedly.........
Only toot in private.....

Never let tooting hold you from whizzing, which I think you do sometimes.