Wednesday, September 5, 2012

T-189 : Snoop Jog

While I was on my lunchtime exercise amble/limp today I realized that I like meandering around town blowing with the wind.  This facet of the routine might be even more pronounce at this slower pace.  Also, being in a more-urban setting gives many more options for turns at every corner and even through parking lots and back alleys.  While snooping connotes a sneaky and unsavory action I can't deny that I like to keep my eyes open to things around me as a way of making more sense of my world.  Agree?


Beth said...

I got to find some pretty cool little spots in Rexburg being a snoop. I was looking for cool photos at the time. There seem to be a lot of little hidden back ally type areas around that town.

Unknown said...

I like your style. I wish I had your eye and skill for great photos but I'm working on it. Did you ever jog with your camera? These days I guess we can take some pretty good shots with our phones.