Monday, December 17, 2012

T-60 : Lonely Roads

8a649c3009e90130faaa001dd8b71c47?width=450I've driven the loneliest road in America.  It's U.S. Route 50 in Nevada.  Maybe we should be alone with our thoughts a little more often.  It's lonelier on a plane.  Losing track of e-connected devices is a shock to my system; but, arguably, a good one.  The guy next to me seemed like he didn't want to talk, though.  In fact, he had an iPad and was watching shows from Fox; must have been downloaded ahead of time.  It's getting harder and harder to unplug.  Find a way.


Unknown said...

I'm enjoying your blog, Tony. The "post a day" challenge is inspiring, even if it takes a few extra days.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear from you, Chuck! Did you read T-62 and recognize the guy I referenced?